The 2024 CWAS AstroFest
2024 CWAS AstroFest

28 - 29 September 2024

The CWAS AstroFest is over the Moon

The Conference Registration fee is $50 per person
The Conference Dinner is $70 per person

Click here to complete the online Registration    

The 2024 CWAS AstroFest is returning to the Central West. We have an exciting programme of events, spread over two days, beginning on Saturday, 28 September 2024.

The Central West of NSW boasts some of the darkest skies in Australia, and as such it is a wonderful place to appreciate the wonders of the night sky. In an effort to foster, encourage and promote astronomy in the region, the Central West Astronomical Society is holding its annual festival of astronomy, or AstroFest, this July. The festival endeavours to bring to the people of the Central West world renowned astronomers, both professional and amateur, so they may share their enthusiasm and love of the heavens.

The CWAS AstroFest will incorporate a one day conference and a programme of associated events. The conference will be held in the Starlight Room of the Parkes Services Club, on Saturday, 28 September 2024. In a series of lectures, guest speakers will provide fascinating insights into various aspects of modern astronomy. On Sunday, 29 September 2024, events will move to the CSIRO Parkes Observatory Visitors Centre with a programme of daytime astronomy and talks.

The Associated Events:

  • An astrophotography competition will be open to all amateur astronomers in Australia. An exhibition of the best photographs will be on display at the Parkes Observatory Visitors Centre from Sunday, 29 September, for the entire year. The 2024 CWAS "David Malin Awards" will be presented at a special ceremony held during the AstroFest conference on Saturday, 28 September. Following the AstroFest, the exhibition will tour to various venues across Australia, beginning in October.
  • From 10:00 AM on the Sunday morning, 29 September, the 2024 CWAS "David Malin Awards" exhibition will be officially opened at the CSIRO Parkes Observatory's Visitors Centre.
  • Throughout the day on, Sunday, 29 September, daytime astronomy viewings will be conducted on the lawns of the Visitors Centre by members of the CWAS. Telescopes will be set up in the grounds of the Visitors Centre, for viewing the bright stars, planets, the Sun and the Moon during daylight (weather permitting).
  • Breakfast and lunch will be available for purchase at the Dish Cafe.

The Conference Programme: Saturday, 28 September 2024

From 09:00    Registration

10:00-11:00    TBA : "TBA"

11:30-12:30    TBA : "TBA"

12:30-13:15    Lunch - Provided for all registrants

13:15-14:15    TBA : "TBA"

14:15-15:00    Civic Reception:  Hosted by Parkes Mayor, Cr Neil Westcott

15:00-16:00    Presentation of the 2024 CWAS "David Malin Awards":  

16:30-17:30    TBA : "TBA"  - The John Bolton Lecture

From 18:30    Conference Dinner

The Conference Programme: Sunday, 29 September 2024

From 09:00    Daytime astronomy by the CWAS members - all day (weather permitting).

10:00-10:05    Welcome to Country by Aunty Rhonda, Wiradjuri Elder
10:05-10:30     Official opening of the 2024 CWAS "David Malin Awards" exhibition in the Bowen Room.

12:30-13:30    TBA : "TBA"
    Free Public Lecture in the Bolton Room

Click here for Accommodation Information in Parkes

Come and see the real thing and enjoy the hospitality of the Central West.

CWAS AstroFest
Organising Committee

The 2024 CWAS AstroFest is proudly supported by

For all enquiries please email the AstroFest Organising Committee

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